Installing Alumet

⚠️  Alumet is currently in Beta.

If you have trouble using Alumet, do not hesitate to discuss with us, we will help you find a solution. If you think that you have found a bug, please open an issue in the repository.

For the moment, the only way to use Alumet is to download its sources and to compile it (see below). We intend to provide easy-to-use packages in the future.

Compiling from source

Prerequisite: you need to install the Rust toolchain.

Open a Terminal and download the repository:

git clone

The Alumet repository contains multiple crates ("crates" are Rust libraries/packages). To run Alumet, we are interested in app-agent, which produces a runnable measurement tool by compiling the core of Alumet and a set of standard plugins into a single binary.

Let's compile this agent.

cd alumet/app-agent
cargo build

The binary should be located in ../target/debug/alumet-agent. You can check this with a simple ls:

ls ../target/debug/alumet-agent

If the agent is there, you can run it. Otherwise, look into the target directory to find the agent.

For the first time, let's use --help to learn about the available arguments.

$ ../target/debug/alumet-agent
[2024-05-14T17:58:00Z INFO  alumet_agent] Starting ALUMET agent v0.4.1
Command line arguments

Usage: alumet-agent [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  run           Run the agent and monitor the system
  exec          Execute a command and observe its process
  regen-config  Regenerate the configuration file and stop
  help          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --max-update-interval <MAX_UPDATE_INTERVAL>
          Maximum amount of time between two updates of the sources' commands.
          A lower value means that the latency of source commands will be lower, i.e. commands will be applied faster, at the cost of a higher overhead.

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

To observe your machine, the simplest way is to use the run command.


Alumet will then start to observe your machine.

Required privileges

Measuring some metrics, like RAPL energy counters and perf_events, require specific privileges. Alumet will warn you about missing privileges and will suggest commands to fix the issue (there are several options).

In any case, please do not use sudo cargo run, because that would compile the project with the root user, making it unusable for your user account.

Output file and configuration

With the standard set of plugins, the measurements are saved in a CSV file. By default, this is alumet-output.csv. You can change this by editing alumet-config.toml. Note that the configuration file is automatically created by Alumet if it does not exist.

Learn more about Alumet config here.

Enabling more plugins

By default, only some plugins are enabled. To enable a plugin and include it in the Alumet agent binary, perform these two steps:

  1. Add a dependency on the plugin.
  2. Modify to enable the plugin.

Here is how to do it with the NVIDIA plugin.

  1. In the directory of app-agent, run cargo add plugin-nvidia
  2. Open src/, locate the line that contains static_plugins! (line 31) and add plugin_nvidia::NvidiaPlugin to the list of plugins. It should look like the following:
// Specifies the plugins that we want to load.
let plugins = static_plugins![RaplPlugin, CsvPlugin, SocketControlPlugin, PerfPlugin, plugin_nvidia::NvidiaPlugin];

Then, recompile the agent with cargo build.

Note: if you want to run Alumet on a NVIDIA Jetson device, replace cargo add plugin-nvidia by cargo add plugin-nvidia --features jetson --no-default-features.


Default command

Since run is the default command, you can also run the agent without any argument.


Path to the binary

The binary produced by cargo is located, when building with a default target (which links to libc) and for the host architecture, at:

  • ../target/debug/alumet-agent in debug mode
  • ../target/release/alumet-agent in release mode

The aforementioned paths are relative to the app-agent directory.

Release mode

By default, the measurement tool is built in debug mode, which enables better diagnostics but disables many optimizations. To deploy Alumet "in production", you would want to use the release mode by adding --release to the cargo flags. For instance, use cargo build --release to produce the optimized binary and stop.